Saper e poter volare

Saper e poter volare
*Sono nata il 7 agosto 2007*

Official Linden Blog

venerdì 3 ottobre 2008

A che punto siamo con l'interoperabilità?


Per saperlo basta non perdersi l'ultima giornata di questo fantastico programma realizzato in Orange Island (Telecom France Company) ed organizzato dall'Orange Team.
Io ci vado spesso.
Lo sapevate che per ricevere le attività dell'isola è sufficiente iscriversi al EmanderOrangeTeam' Un bot che vi iscrive automaticamente alla ricezione delle news come se foste iscritti! Non vi arriva nessuna notecard fastidiosa : si apre la chat di gruppo (e non siete iscritti al gruppo!) con gli ultimi eventi in programma!
Monday 29th of September
11AM SLT - Introduction: Back to the FutureExploration of the innovations that shaped the world by Gwyneth Llewelyn
12PM SLT - Metanomics video-showInterview with Philip Rosedale: from the specific future of Second Life to the widespread promise of virtual worlds.Followed by a panel including Benjamin Duranske, Wagner James Au, Tish Shute (Tara5 Oh in SL), Nic Mitham, Christian Renaud, Bettina Tizzy and Dusan Writer about the implications of Rosedale’s vision.
1PM SLT - Hype or Real?Vaporware or lasting solutions? Useful or not so? User-friendly or broken? Join us for a review of upcoming innovations involving the audience using the “Human Barometer”.Moderator: Malburns Writer

Tuesday 30th of September
10:30 AM SLT - Orange APIs: telecommunications APIsFrançois Marx and Fredéric Taieb of Orange’s Telco 2.0 program will deliver a short presentation of the Orange API Program for SL developers.
12:00 PM SLT - Lightweight clients / UI Design: Usability & Design.Moderator: Dusan Writer.Speakers: Jacek Antonelli (Imprudence viewer), Zaki (3Di) and Reta Shan (winner of the UI contest run by Dusan Writer).
1PM SLT - Metaverse Explorers in an innovative place.

Wednesday 1st October
12PM SLT : Innovative Communications Devices.Speakers: Beyers Sellers, Chase Marellan (Chatbridge), Kevni Koolhaven (Learning Tree International)Moderator: Tara5 Oh
1.30PM SLT - Independent developers “Show & Tell”.Join some very talented independent developers as they share & demo their innovative projects.MetaHUD by Metalife, Pauly Richez and Robbie KiamaVR-Wear, Alexander Casassovici (SL: Ksso Yamauba)

Thursday 2nd of October
12PM SLT - Hands Free Navigation & Avatar ExpressionCome discover interfaces that will eventually replace our mouse & keyboard, and free our expressivity in virtual worlds.Speakers: Philippe Bossut (Handsfree3D), Alexander Casassovici (VR-Wear) and Gaspar Breton (Orange Labs).Moderator: Dusan Writer
1.30 SLT - Bots: Uses, challenges, consequences.Artificial intelligence & virtual worlds applicationsSpeakers: Baba Yamamoto (LibSL), Ima Ideator, Fairyverse Siamendes (MASA Group)Moderator: Dirty McLean

Friday 3rd of October
12PM SLT - Community-driven Innovation: How ascending innovation is shaping virtual worldsSpeakers: Baba Yamamoto (LibSL), Robbie Kiama (MetaHUD) and Fire Centaur (SL Link).Moderator: Hydra Shaftoe
1.30PM SLT - Interoperability: Where do we stand today?
Zha Ewry (IBM),
G2 Proto and Robin G2 Proto (Reactiongrid),
Strawberry Fride (SL.NetUserGroup + TechNetGroup),
Gigs Taggart (Meerkat client)
Moderator: Whump Linden

In addition to this program of discussions, Orange Island will be hosting a mini-exhibit on the main plaza, featuring some of the most innovative initiatives in Second Life. You’ll also be able to interact with a few bots, courtesy of the Masa Group & Ima Ideator.

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slideshow del primo anno in SL 7 agosto 2007 - 8/8/08

Il calendario di Eleonora