Saper e poter volare

Saper e poter volare
*Sono nata il 7 agosto 2007*

Official Linden Blog

SL***********************Blog*X*golB di ELEONORA PORTA Headline Animator



mercoledì 16 aprile 2008


Dall'articolo #24 della KBA di J.L.

Chi sottoscrive un account premium riceve puntualmente uno stipendio da SecondLife (LL) ogni martedì sia che si logghi o no e risulta sul suo account sul sito ufficiale.

A volte a causa del continuo aumento della popolazione di SL lo stipendio arriva martedì sera tardi o anche mercoledì.
A sceonda della data di iscrizione o di passaggio da account basic ad account premium lo stipendio è diverso, attualmente consta di 300 L$ alla settimana.

Ecco la tabella e l'articolo in inglese che evidenzia alcuni contrattempi sullìattribuzione dello stesso per chi si registra proprio di martedì..deve aspetatre una settimana pe ril primo stendio mentre se si registra lunedì lo ottiene già il giorno successivo, ovviamente in proporzione.
Depending on what type of account you have and its age, the amount you receive each week may vary.
Premium accounts created or upgraded from Basic on or after November 1, 2006 receive L$300 per week.
Premium accounts created or upgraded between July 21, 2006 and November 1, 2006 receive L$400 per week.
Premium accounts created or upgraded prior to July 21, 2006 receive L$500 per week.
Basic accounts created prior to June 6, 2006 receive a stipend of L$50 per week.

Basic accounts created after June 6, 2006 do not receive a weekly stipend.

Upgrading your Basic account to Premium will allow you to receive a stipend at the current rate -- L$300 per week.
How do I get my stipend?
Stipends are paid out every week by an automated process that runs on Tuesdays. Payments are based on information gathered from the database as of the preceding Monday. For example:
Bob Avatar creates a Premium account on Monday, April 14. He receives his first stipend on Tuesday, April 15.

Ekaterina Avatar creates a Premium account on Tuesday, April 15. She receives her first stipend on Tuesday, April 22.Premium subscribers receive their stipend every week, whether they log in or not.

Basic subscribers who qualify for a stipend receive one every week that they log in (that is, they are paid Tuesday provided they logged in sometime the week before).
Note: While the automated process begins paying out stipends on Tuesday mornings, Second Life's population continues to grow, which means stipend payments will take longer to deliver. Payouts may be expected to appear later in the day on Tuesdays, or possibly even Wednesdays.

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slideshow del primo anno in SL 7 agosto 2007 - 8/8/08

Il calendario di Eleonora