Saper e poter volare

Saper e poter volare
*Sono nata il 7 agosto 2007*

Official Linden Blog

mercoledì 31 maggio 2017


domenica 18 dicembre 2016

venerdì 9 dicembre 2011

My Linden Home

My new Linden Home: Come visit my new home in Second Life!

venerdì 18 novembre 2011

Un anno dopo...

18 novembre 2011

Ho venduto anzi abbandonato (abandoned land) le mie terre in Lepiota conservando solo due 4096 che presto diverranno solo un 4096 ;(
Non me le posso più permettere e soprattutto non intendo prorogare il progetto con le mie classi.

domenica 7 novembre 2010

Festival della Scienza 2010 chiusura

From: Second Physics



ELEONORA PORTA a "Second Physics"

chiude il progetto Reporter di Scienza, realizzato da ESPLICA (Esplica gruppo in SL e www. da un' idea di Intelliverso Barbosa,

ELEONORA ci descriverà la giornata passata al Festival, commentando gli eventi e le curiosità piu significative.
Video :

Diretta LIVE

sabato 6 novembre 2010

Reportage da Genova Festival della Scienza 2010 al Caffè della Scienza in SL

Al Caffè della Scienza in Secondlife reportage di Eleonora Porta e di Intelliverso Barbosa sul Festival della Scienza di Genova 2010.

Reporter di Scienza􀀆
Iniziativa di "ESPLICA -no profit"- Laboratorio di Divulgazione Scientifica e Culturale nell'era Digitale-Reportage di Intelliverso Barbosa e Eleonora Porta dal Festival della Scienza di Genova dal 30 ottobre al 7 Novembre.

La parola chiave del Festival della Scienza 2010 è Orizzonti la linea verso la quale ci avviciniamo indefinitamente, che attrae il nostro sguardo e che ogni volta si allontana prima di essere afferrata. Per la scienza è metafora ideale della spinta verso il nuovo, verso l’ignoto.
Link utili

------------------- Martedì 2 novembre ----------------------------

subito dopo il "Café della Scienza" (con Swina Allen conduce Marjorie Fargis)

"Reporter di Scienza"
22:30 Eleonora Porta conduce Talete Flanagan

------------------- Sabato 6 novembre --------------------------

"Reporter di Scienza"
21:15 Eleonora Porta conduce Talete Flanagan

martedì 17 agosto 2010

La Teen Grid chiude ma...

Alla fine del 2010 la Teen Grid chiuderà ed i ragazzi di 16-17 anni ptranno accedere alla Grid principale.
Ecco la news in RezEd
A message to all members of RezEd

From January 2006 through the end of 2010, Linden Lab, the creators of Second Life, managed a youth-only version called Teen Second Life. At the Second Life Community Convention in Boston last week, Linden Lab CEO Philip Rosedale announced that they were going to be closing the "Teen Grid," moving the 16 and 17-year olds to the Main Grid, and at some point bringing in younger Teen Grid members.

Barry Joseph of Global Kids wrote a "eulogy" of sorts about the Teen Grid, which you can read and respond to here.

Come and share your memories and discuss the implications of the intended grid merger. Join the group at this link to contribute to the conversation.

Visit RezEd at:

Altro link preso dal topic tj in "generale" ... -to-close/

 Il mio commento è positivo: per progetti educativi anche i 16-17enni delle nostre scuole potranno entrare nella Grid principale (e presto unica) di SecondLife.
L'instabilità delle Grid OpenSim(dove si provavano con enormi difficoltà e lentezze progetti edu per i non 18enni) potrà cedere il passo alla lunga esperienza di secondlife anche se i "notabili" della scuola italiana hanno sempre molte resistenze a dintrodurre "ufficialmente" gli studenti italiani in secondlife per paura delel reazioni di genitori, malpensanti ecc...Chissà se ora sranno più disponibili;) ... -to-close/

sabato 24 luglio 2010

Philip Rosdale

We’re excited to announce that Philip Rosedale (SL: Philip Linden) will be giving a keynote address on Saturday morning at the Second Life Community Convention! Philip recently returned as interim CEO after Mark Kingdon stepped down in July, and we expect that he’ll address the company’s future direction and Linden Lab’s “return to the basics” of improving the core Second Life experience. In a recent post on the Second Life blogs, Philip talked frankly about addressing Resident’s concerns. “We need to get back to being the first to invent and deliver the solutions that evolve virtual worlds,” said Rosedale, “We are still at the beginning of a huge market.” Rosedale’s speech will be delivered in world and simultaneously webcast to attendees of the Second Life Community Convention in Boston on Saturday morning, August 14th, at 8AM EST/5AM PST.

lunedì 19 luglio 2010

Finally come back! Recent news from my virtual world

Recent news from my virtual world

This blog also publishes schedules for selected events in Second LIfe.
You can follow this blog to get timely updates. (See the right-hand column)

OR drop by the Hobo Helpers HQ and read it in Second Life. (Requires Web on Prim )

Philip Linden, On the Future of Second Life
Video Editor by YouTube

Free voice recordings for e-mails or multimedia
Conflict Resolution!
Machinima CONTEST from UWA in Second Life
OnLive Promotes Itself, LEGO, and their Harry Potter™ game

Grokking the Grids

OSGrid loses regions,
"The top 40 public grids lost 20% of their reported area this past month — from 11,717 to 9,343 regions – due to summer cleaning at OSGrid. The largest OpenSim-based grid lost more than a third of its land area, falling from 7,530 to 4,962 regions as grid administrators cleared inactive regions off the books.

Viewer 2.1

Cheat sheet for Viewer 2
My theory: Viewer 2.x is a puzzle game in which we are supposed to find the hidden keys. In most games, the tricks open trunks, gates, or doors. In Viewer 2.x, the keys allow experienced users to do the things we are accustomed to doing in viewer 1.x, only with more difficulty.
Creative Collaboration

Machinima Roundtables Book Project

Machinima, the only mass market Second Life products?
Plausible. From the standpoint of the videographer, Second Life is a low cost graphics engine with a readily available pool of experienced writers, voice actors, and set designers/builders

Machinima CONTEST from UWA in Second Life:

MachinimUWA II : Art of the Artists

Second Life as a business

Philip Linden, On the Future of Second Life
Philip Linden emphasizes
virtual goods and services as a key focus:


OnLive Promotes Itself, LEGO, and their Harry Potter™ game
Would Second Life want this kind of promotion?

The promotion needs to fit the product, of course. And the value of promoting in OnLive will depend on the demographics and interests of the audience. But we already have a good idea of the demographics and interests of the audience.

Education and Tech

Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) fits Second Life!

Conflict Resolution! A real opportunity. Not for getting rich. For training, internships, research, practice. Maybe later for online practice with paying clients.


Craig Lyons, original works
Music Island -- You want to know about this place if you like music concerts

Tech you may want

Free voice recordings for e-mails or multimediaRecent news from my virtual world

This blog also publishes schedules for selected events in Second LIfe.
You can follow this blog to get timely updates. (See the right-hand column)

OR drop by the Hobo Helpers HQ and read it in Second Life. (Requires Web on Prim )

Philip Linden, On the Future of Second Life
Video Editor by YouTube
Free voice recordings for e-mails or multimedia
Conflict Resolution!
Machinima CONTEST from UWA in Second Life
OnLive Promotes Itself, LEGO, and their Harry Potter™ game

Grokking the Grids

OSGrid loses regions,
"The top 40 public grids lost 20% of their reported area this past month — from 11,717 to 9,343 regions – due to summer cleaning at OSGrid. The largest OpenSim-based grid lost more than a third of its land area, falling from 7,530 to 4,962 regions as grid administrators cleared inactive regions off the books.

Viewer 2.1

Cheat sheet for Viewer 2
My theory: Viewer 2.x is a puzzle game in which we are supposed to find the hidden keys. In most games, the tricks open trunks, gates, or doors. In Viewer 2.x, the keys allow experienced users to do the things we are accustomed to doing in viewer 1.x, only with more difficulty.
Creative Collaboration

Machinima Roundtables Book Project

Machinima, the only mass market Second Life products?
Plausible. From the standpoint of the videographer, Second Life is a low cost graphics engine with a readily available pool of experienced writers, voice actors, and set designers/builders

Machinima CONTEST from UWA in Second Life:

MachinimUWA II : Art of the Artists

Second Life as a business

Philip Linden, On the Future of Second Life
Philip Linden emphasizes
virtual goods and services as a key focus:


OnLive Promotes Itself, LEGO, and their Harry Potter™ game
Would Second Life want this kind of promotion?

The promotion needs to fit the product, of course. And the value of promoting in OnLive will depend on the demographics and interests of the audience. But we already have a good idea of the demographics and interests of the audience.

Education and Tech

Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) fits Second Life!

Conflict Resolution! A real opportunity. Not for getting rich. For training, internships, research, practice. Maybe later for online practice with paying clients.


Craig Lyons, original works
Music Island -- You want to know about this place if you like music concerts

Tech you may want

Free voice recordings for e-mails or multimedia
Vocaroo | Record and send voice emails
"Vocaroo - The premier voice recording service."

Video Editor by YouTube
Another move to the cloud. YouTube gives its contributors an easy way to put together videos on any computer. Laptop, net-book, probably Ipad.

Notice groups and such -- Update
Some people asked me about setting up notice groups. I have posted articles about that before, but I thought this would be a good time to Review and update.
Recent news from my virtual world

This blog also publishes schedules for selected events in Second LIfe.
You can follow this blog to get timely updates. (See the right-hand column)

OR drop by the Hobo Helpers HQ and read it in Second Life. (Requires Web on Prim )

Philip Linden, On the Future of Second Life
Video Editor by YouTube
Free voice recordings for e-mails or multimedia
Conflict Resolution!
Machinima CONTEST from UWA in Second Life
OnLive Promotes Itself, LEGO, and their Harry Potter™ game

Grokking the Grids

OSGrid loses regions,
"The top 40 public grids lost 20% of their reported area this past month — from 11,717 to 9,343 regions – due to summer cleaning at OSGrid. The largest OpenSim-based grid lost more than a third of its land area, falling from 7,530 to 4,962 regions as grid administrators cleared inactive regions off the books.

Viewer 2.1

Cheat sheet for Viewer 2
My theory: Viewer 2.x is a puzzle game in which we are supposed to find the hidden keys. In most games, the tricks open trunks, gates, or doors. In Viewer 2.x, the keys allow experienced users to do the things we are accustomed to doing in viewer 1.x, only with more difficulty.
Creative Collaboration

Machinima Roundtables Book Project

Machinima, the only mass market Second Life products?
Plausible. From the standpoint of the videographer, Second Life is a low cost graphics engine with a readily available pool of experienced writers, voice actors, and set designers/builders

Machinima CONTEST from UWA in Second Life:

MachinimUWA II : Art of the Artists

Second Life as a business

Philip Linden, On the Future of Second Life
Philip Linden emphasizes
virtual goods and services as a key focus:


OnLive Promotes Itself, LEGO, and their Harry Potter™ game
Would Second Life want this kind of promotion?

The promotion needs to fit the product, of course. And the value of promoting in OnLive will depend on the demographics and interests of the audience. But we already have a good idea of the demographics and interests of the audience.

Education and Tech

Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) fits Second Life!

Conflict Resolution! A real opportunity. Not for getting rich. For training, internships, research, practice. Maybe later for online practice with paying clients.


Craig Lyons, original works
Music Island -- You want to know about this place if you like music concerts

Tech you may want

Free voice recordings for e-mails or multimedia
Vocaroo | Record and send voice emails
"Vocaroo - The premier voice recording service."

Video Editor by YouTube
Another move to the cloud. YouTube gives its contributors an easy way to put together videos on any computer. Laptop, net-book, probably Ipad.

Notice groups and such -- Update
Some people asked me about setting up notice groups. I have posted articles about that before, but I thought this would be a good time to Review and update.

Vocaroo | Record and send voice emails
"Vocaroo - The premier voice recording service."

Video Editor by YouTube
Another move to the cloud. YouTube gives its contributors an easy way to put together videos on any computer. Laptop, net-book, probably Ipad.

Notice groups and such -- Update
Some people asked me about setting up notice groups. I have posted articles about that before, but I thought this would be a good time to Review and update.


slideshow del primo anno in SL 7 agosto 2007 - 8/8/08

Il calendario di Eleonora